
Nicole Werner, Rockdispenser 2010, Stainless steel, rocks, fittings

Morgan Fischer, Red Boxing Gloves / Orange Kitchen Gloves, two channel video: Polavision cassettes transferred
to DVD, November 2014 Maureen Paley Gallery

On his work as a 'double portrait': (text from press release) 
"Red Boxing Gloves / Orange Kitchen Gloves was shot in 1980 in Polavision, an instant movie format that the videocassette made obsolete. The work is in the form of a pendant pair, a convention that arose in seventeenth-century Holland. The pendant pair consists of two paintings with subjects that are complements of each other. In the classic case one painting shows a husband and the other his wife. Together the two figures make a larger whole. The two pairs of gloves express this same relation in figurative if conventional terms."